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China’s regulation with dockless bikes

Business, General

China’s regulation with dockless bikes

BY   Alexandre Gauquelin   

Restrictions are coming for dockless bike-sharing firms… even in the mothermarket of China! Chinese authorities have banned any expansion of the existing fleet, trying to answer parking chaos, traffic congestion and public safety concerns in 13 cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Wuhan and Guangzhou.

It is one explanation to the big move of the 2nd half of 2017 for all major Chinese companies in foreign countries. There is no more markets to win in China! With 2.35M bikes from 15 companies in Beijing, we can agree that it is enough…


And it actually seems that authorities, all over the world, agree that dockless bike-sharing has to regulated with licences and agreements, as in San FranciscoSingapore, or Paris very soon. Only companies with strong communication teams will survive!

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